|| Location: Bighorn National Forest || Miles Traveled - 1,710 ||
Location: Big Horn National Forest, WY
Miles Traveled - 1,710
Elevation: 13,166ft
- Hiked Porcupine Falls. Far and away one of the best hikes on the trip. A steep downhill 3/4 of a mile (400 foot elevation drop) leading to a beautiful 70-foot waterfall. A must-see (9.5/10)
- Watched the sunset from the peaks of Big Horn.
- Burnt our breaks out exiting the park. Literally they were smoking. Discovered the perks of 1st gear. Solid lesson learned.
- Found an awesome free campsite, complete with grills and bathrooms in Lovell, WY (8/10)
- Unfortunately grocery stores are not open past 6 in Lovell, soooo we drove an hour round trip to grab some cook-out supplies.
- Worth it. Enjoyed open-fire cooked burgers, egg salad, beans, cherries, and Cesar salad.
- Checked out the Big Horn National Recreation Area.
- Went swimming in Bighorn Lake. Fairly average spot to take a dip. Quite stunning environment, but the restricted swimming area and lifeguard take away from the fun.
- After swimming we decided to hop over to the Montana version of Horseshoe Bend. Solid decision. Worth the visit.
- Enjoyed lunch at Granny's Family Diner in Cody, WY. Got country fried steak for under $10. Very pleasant service and unlimited coffee. The best classic diner meal of the trip hands down. (9/10)
- Visited the rodeo stadium in Cody, WY. Since the town is known as the “Rodeo Capital of the World," this was a worthwhile stop-off.
- Drove into Yellowstone from the east, stopping at about 8-10 roadside pull-offs.
-Settled into our campsite at Fisherman's Village. Despite having beautiful facilities, laundry, a general store, and great lakeside hikes, this was definitely one of the worst camps. One word: mosquitos! You could not stand outside for more than 30 seconds without being surrounded. Bug spray proved useless. This was the only evening we spent the majority of our time in the RV. (4/10)