Flight time: 1 hour || Distance: Phuket --> Siem Reap - 550 miles || Locations: Siem Reap, and Angkor Wat Temple
This is Angkor Wat - or the “City of Temples” - located in Siem Reap, Cambodia. Stretching over 248 square-miles, this collection of ruins is considered to be the largest religious monument in the world.
Ticket sales account for over 50% of Cambodia’s yearly international tourism - a point of pride that lead the government to place the temple on Cambodia’s flag in 1850. Built between 1113 and 1150, the construction took an estimated 300,000 workers, 6,000 elephants, 5 million tons of sandstone, and 35 years to complete.
I spent the past few days exploring the ruins - it was without a doubt the most incredible place I’ve ever had the privilege of visiting.