Occupy City Hall // June 29th-30th
On-the-ground account of what happened @ City Hall: hundreds of New York City riot police began assembling outside of City Hall around 3am Tuesday morning. Protesters had taken over Chambers and Centre Street - building barricades, and blocking off traffic.
After a nearly 2.5 hour stand off, the police moved into the expanded autonomous zone around 530am - ripping down fencing, and pushing demonstrators back to the park. “If you do not leave the street voluntarily, you will be arrested and charged with disorderly conduct” blared over a loud speaker strapped to the back of a lieutenant. -
Organizers instructed demonstrators to get on the sidewalk, where legally they would be protected. The police remained in the street for nearly 15 min, staring at protestors, and blasting the recording. The protesters responded by chanting “We’re on the sidewalk!” -
Soon after, the lieutenant switched the recording to “If you do not leave the SIDEWALK and disperse, you will be arrested, and charged with disorderly conduct. The demonstrators held their ground, screaming back at police, holding protective umbrellas high. -
A few seconds later, the police charged forward - smashing into a line of makeshift wooden and plastic protest shields. The demonstrators were relentless, but stood no chance against 200+ officers in full riot gear. After a viscous struggle, the remaining fencing was removed and disposed of. Now, protesters and police stood face to face - nothing between them. -
Front line demonstrators held their ground, screaming obscenities, ready for whatever came next. Police began to advance, ripping umbrellas + shields out of demonstrators hands. Just as the situation seemed to be escalating again, the police cheif stepped in, ordering his men to stand down. After securing the intersection, police left the park, allowing demonstrators to repair the camp and treat their injuries.